André and Sarah Dugger

André and Sarah Dugger
Author of Dear God and Prayer: Your Own Letter To God

Friday, September 17, 2010

Success in Life Begins and Ends with God!

We often talk about having success in life. Everyone seems to have their own idea of exactly what success means. Certainly there are several different aspects and areas of life that need to be considered. An incomplete list of those areas is: spiritual, family, health, vocation, friends/relationships, and financial.

How successful are you? One problem most of have is we settle for being successful (as we define success) in one or two areas and willingly accept failure or at least something less than success in the other areas. To be successful in life, according to God's Word, we must be in an intimate relationship with Him through His Son Jesus. Anything short of that will result in false success in every area of our life.

So how do you rate your walk with God? How intimate would you say you are?

Your spiritual life is nothing more than empty religion without a personal relationship with Jesus. Your family life, marriage included, will never flourish without this close intimacy with God. Your health, physical and spiritual, is weak and useless without a close walk with God. Your vocation can only be discovered and fully realized when you hear from God concerning your call and when you remain in constant fellowship with Him. Your friendships and other relationships are mere window dressing if you and your experience with those people is not founded upon God's desire for you and your life. And all the financial benefits in the world are bankrupt if you are not experiencing success in life with God.

You take a look at the various areas of your life. Are you really successful? If the answer is anything but a resounding YES, then take the time to allow God to speak to you concerning any adjustment that needs to be made. When you hear from God, do what He says!

Enjoying Success in Life!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

It's Time to Be Creative

With the economy in the shape it’s in and the unemployment rate continuing to hover near double digits, it is officially time to begin being creative. What should a person do if they do not have a job or if their current job doesn’t provide adequately for them and their family and if it doesn’t bring true satisfaction to them? The key is two fold.

First you must know who you are before you will be able to know what job best fits you. Learning who you are is about discovering your calling, your vocation. To learn this about yourself you must look at your skills, abilities, talents, primary personality style, unique life experiences, and arguably most important, your true passion in life.

Secondly, once you have taken the time to discover who you are, possibly by teaming up with a coach, you are ready to step out and truly be creative. Being creative is about demonstrating the unique you through a fulfilling vocation. Your career and any specific job you have must fall under your true calling (vocation) in order for you to be fulfilled. Stop simply looking for a job and focusing on your salary and benefits and begin creatively designing the work you love. It may be that you will find the work you love in a traditional job with an existing business, but it is equally possible that you might design your own business that provides you the freedom, joy, provisions, and fulfillment you’ve always wanted.

Alright, it’s time to get busy. Find a trusted life/success coach and begin working through the process. Discover who you have been created to be and begin designing the work you love around you. Rather than having your life fit around your work, design your work around your life. Think outside the box; no remove the box completely. What would you do if you could do anything you wanted to do? What would you do even if you didn’t get paid for it? What do you dream about? Develop a plan, set your goals with clear timetables, and begin living the life you were meant to live.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Stop Complaining and Start Being Salt and Light!

April 9, 2010 was the public beginning of a great blessing. It is not often that you can say a movie is used to change lives. Well, movies may often change lives but not in the right way. Many would argue that movies have been used to encourage foul language, sexual immorality, addiction to alcohol and other drugs, as well as many other vices. For every movie that makes it to the big screen with positive attributes there may be hundreds or thousands with the negative.

For many years people of faith have simply complained about the problem without truly offering a viable alternative. With all due respect to production companies who solely focus on providing faith based DVD released movies, the only way to be salt and light in the world is to be where the world is and share the positive message of Christ in a way that it is able to be seen by them. It is far past time to continue complaining without providing quality life changing films that affirm what Christ has called us to affirm.

Letters to God,, is one of the few films that has come to theaters around the nation in the past few years that has the quality to impress viewers who are used to seeing major Hollywood releases and at the same time gripping their hearts in ways they never could have expected. It is important that we not allow the April 9, release of Letters to God to come and go without doing all we can to make sure everyone we know goes to see it. Take the baton and run with it to share the news that there is indeed a film out here that contains both the quality and message that needs to be shared now more than ever before.

What many people do not know is that the character, Tyler, who is portrayed in the film was inspired by a real little boy named Tyler. I had the privilege of knowing him and watching him live the last two years of his life on earth with an incredible faith, hope, and love. I read where one movie critic said something along the lines of "this little boy in the film is made to appear too good to be true." What he doesn't know is, that is exactly what we all said of the real Tyler as well. When someone has a personal relationship with God through His Son they are able to live lives that indeed appear too good to be true. It is not that any of us is good in and of ourselves, including Tyler, but that through Christ we are made righteous.

How can you face the difficulties and challenges of life with confidence - even when you are staring death in the face? The only true answer is that you face those with your faith and trust completely placed in God alone. Hope is missing from the vast majority of people around the world today; including people in the United States. Take advantage of this incredible opportunity to be salt and light by supporting Letter's to God and then be salt and light by creating your own message through whatever media means you are led to use.

Complain makes noise, but being salt and light makes a difference. Go out and be a blessing! Let's team up together to make Letters to God successful now so that later we can team up to make the next opportunity even more successful. By the way, the next opportunity may even be yours. I look forward to hearing from you at

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Yes You Can!

You must determine who you will listen to throughout life. Many people will tell you that you cannot accomplish what it is you want to accomplish. Some will tell you that you are not intelligent enough. Others will say you are not wealthy enough. Still others will tell you that you do not have the proper background to accomplish what you desire to accomplish.

If you listen to all of the voices surrounding you it is possible you will become overwhelmed with all the negativity so that you begin to believe that you really can't accomplish your dreams. When you hear those negative voices, remember the most important voice of all that proclaims - Yes You Can!

Listen carefully to the voice of God - He says you can do all things through His Son. So, forget the other voices and remember; yes you can!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Are You Doing It?

I have a simple question for you. Are you doing whatever it is that you know you should be doing?

It is a good thing to have the knowledge of what you should, but that knowledge without action is useless. Put into practice what you know you should do in every area of your life.

Love like you know you should love.

Forgive like you know you should forgive.

Encourage like you know you should encourage.

Listen like you know you should listen.

Life is not that hard; simply do what you know you should do in the power of Almighty God.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Why Not Today?

Have you ever wondered why people often say something along the lines of, “I’ll do it one day, but not today” concerning important issues that need addressing? There are many reasons an individual may make that statement; it may be because of fear, lack of motivation, improper priorities, financial concerns, or a myriad of other possibilities. My purpose is not to address all of the possible reasons why you may put off until tomorrow what you should do today, my purpose is to inspire you to go ahead and do it today regardless of what reasons or excuses you have.

For most people, putting something off until tomorrow is just another way of saying “I am not going to do this.” There are some things in life that are inconsequential such as “should I purchase a new bedspread or should I keep the one I have?” You can probably put off that decision for a long time without facing any severe consequences. There are; however, other decisions that will forever affect our lives and the lives of those around us.

Are you being led to begin a new business? Are you being led to write a book? Are you being led to write a movie script? Are you being led to offer an apology? Are you being led to forgive someone? Are you being led to encourage someone? Are you being led to invent something? Are you being led to spend more time alone with God? Are you being led to participate on a mission trip? Are you being led to give a special offering to support a great ministry? Are you being led to spend more time with your spouse? Are you being led to spend more time with your children? Are you being led to write a letter to God?

These types of decisions are life altering – for you and those around you. Some may seem small compared to others, but each one can indeed impact us for years to come, if not for eternity. Why not do it today? As Theodore Roosevelt said, “It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.” Step out of your comfort zone and do it today.

Wayne Gretzky, the incredible hockey player, said, “You’ll always miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” Get up! Stop procrastinating! Stop allowing fear to control you! Don’t worry about the things you can’t control, and don’t worry about the things you don’t have a clear direction on. But when it comes to something you know you should do, do it today!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Everyday Should Be Valentine’s Day

Once a year we celebrate Valentine’s Day. It is a day set aside to remember those we love with special tokens of our affection. Many people have been discouraged to see the complete commercialization of the day where even children are expected to send cards and gifts, often candy of some kind, to their friends and classmates. In office settings there is often a concern over who should receive a Valentine’s gift or if anyone should at all.

Here is a question to consider. Why can’t we let everyday be Valentine’s Day? I don’t mean a day where we have to send everyone we know a special gift out of a sense of obligation. I am speaking of using each day as an opportunity to demonstrate our affection and appreciation for those we love.

Start today! Let each day be your personal Valentine’s Day. Take the time to express your love to your spouse, your children, your parents, your siblings, your close friends, and if you are not married but have a special person in your life include them as well. You don’t have purchase a premade card, if you made a card yourself it would probably be appreciated more. You don’t even have to spend a lot of money. For most people it is not the amount you spend on the gift that is as important as the fact that you cared enough to think of them and express your love. Remember, the most valuable things in life cannot be purchased with money.

While you’re at it, why not spend time expressing your love to God as well. God loves you far more than you could ever imagine, and you should use each day you are given as an opportunity to let Him know how much you love Him. As you make the homemade cards for those you love, actually make a card or write a letter to God expressing to Him how much you love Him as well.

Don’t wait until Valentine’s Day, and don’t stop after Valentine’s Day. Let everyday be the day you share your love with those who mean the most to you.