André and Sarah Dugger

André and Sarah Dugger
Author of Dear God and Prayer: Your Own Letter To God

Friday, April 9, 2010

Stop Complaining and Start Being Salt and Light!

April 9, 2010 was the public beginning of a great blessing. It is not often that you can say a movie is used to change lives. Well, movies may often change lives but not in the right way. Many would argue that movies have been used to encourage foul language, sexual immorality, addiction to alcohol and other drugs, as well as many other vices. For every movie that makes it to the big screen with positive attributes there may be hundreds or thousands with the negative.

For many years people of faith have simply complained about the problem without truly offering a viable alternative. With all due respect to production companies who solely focus on providing faith based DVD released movies, the only way to be salt and light in the world is to be where the world is and share the positive message of Christ in a way that it is able to be seen by them. It is far past time to continue complaining without providing quality life changing films that affirm what Christ has called us to affirm.

Letters to God,, is one of the few films that has come to theaters around the nation in the past few years that has the quality to impress viewers who are used to seeing major Hollywood releases and at the same time gripping their hearts in ways they never could have expected. It is important that we not allow the April 9, release of Letters to God to come and go without doing all we can to make sure everyone we know goes to see it. Take the baton and run with it to share the news that there is indeed a film out here that contains both the quality and message that needs to be shared now more than ever before.

What many people do not know is that the character, Tyler, who is portrayed in the film was inspired by a real little boy named Tyler. I had the privilege of knowing him and watching him live the last two years of his life on earth with an incredible faith, hope, and love. I read where one movie critic said something along the lines of "this little boy in the film is made to appear too good to be true." What he doesn't know is, that is exactly what we all said of the real Tyler as well. When someone has a personal relationship with God through His Son they are able to live lives that indeed appear too good to be true. It is not that any of us is good in and of ourselves, including Tyler, but that through Christ we are made righteous.

How can you face the difficulties and challenges of life with confidence - even when you are staring death in the face? The only true answer is that you face those with your faith and trust completely placed in God alone. Hope is missing from the vast majority of people around the world today; including people in the United States. Take advantage of this incredible opportunity to be salt and light by supporting Letter's to God and then be salt and light by creating your own message through whatever media means you are led to use.

Complain makes noise, but being salt and light makes a difference. Go out and be a blessing! Let's team up together to make Letters to God successful now so that later we can team up to make the next opportunity even more successful. By the way, the next opportunity may even be yours. I look forward to hearing from you at